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HomeWinter 2025 Brown Bag Series

Winter 2025 Brown Bag Series

facilitated by Jayne Gordon


The Brown Bag Lunch Series returns this winter with live, in-person noontime programs on one Monday of each month. Dessert will be provided after each program. 


*Be sure to look carefully at each listing before registering as the venues and formats differ. You must register separately for each one.  

All registered participants will receive directions to the program location. In case of threatening weather, the program will be held on Zoom at the scheduled time, and an announcement and Zoom link will be sent out by 9 a.m. 



Three Mondays *** January 13, February 10, March 24 *** 12:00 - 1:30 pm

Registration opens online December 10 at 8 AM

Brown Bag Series is offered free to CSC active members and members of Maine Senior College Network.
Members! Be sure to login to your CSC account before registering.
If you haven’t renewed your membership Click Here
Become a CSC member for $25
 Click Here

Click on a program title
to read the full description and register
for the event 

CSC members: Be sure to login to your CSC account before registering.

January 13
When Broadway Found Its Courage: Musicals from 1936–1957


Susan Borg, a singer, teacher and director, will lead us through the Broadway songs that influenced the social changes we lived through in the 1960s.

February 10
A Chat with News Center Maine’s Don Carrigan
Many of us have long admired Don's work to bring the stories of life on the Midcoast to so many engaged viewers. Now we have a chance to hear more about his favorite stories, what he's curious about now, and how he goes about his always colorful and character-filled investigations.

March 24
Insights from the Sightless

Jim and Ginger Kutsch of Damariscotta will share their observations about adjusting to the mental, physical, emotional, and social challenges they faced becoming blind, and how they perform day-to-day tasks without sight.