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HomeWinter 2023 Brown Bag Series

Winter 2023 Brown Bag Series

facilitated by Jayne Gordon


Three Mondays - January 30, February 27, March 27 - 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

The Brownbag Lunch Series returns this winter with noontime programs on the last Monday of each month. 


*Be sure to look carefully at each listing before registering as the venues and formats differ. You must register separately for each one.  


Registration opens online January 2 at 8 a.m.

Brown Bag Series is offered free to CSC active members and members of the Maine Senior College Network.

Members! Be sure to login to your CSC account before registering.
If you haven’t renewed your membership Click Here

Members of other Maine Senior Colleges
Become a CSC member for free
 Click Here

Click on a program title
to read the full description and register
for the event 

CSC members: Be sure to login to your CSC account before registering.

January 30
Mohegan Art of the Early 20th Century

with Leith MacDonald
Porter Hall, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta
Members can register up to 3 guests for this event

February 27
A Second Look: The Most Misunderstood Historical Character of All Time?
with a panel of Coastal Senior College members: Chrystena Hahn, Stephen Hahn, Stephanie Stephenson, Ken Thompson
St. Andrews Church, Newcastle or on Zoom

March 27
The Farnsworth Turns 75: Highlights from the Collection
with  Gwendolyn Loomis Smith
St. Andrews Church, Newcastle or on Zoom