To Prospective Teachers
Welcome: We are pleased that you are thinking of offering a course for us! We strive for balance among our courses, offering a variety of subjects, formats and locations. Fall and spring classes usually run six to eight weeks. Winter courses usually run four to six weeks. Classes typically meet once a week for an hour and a half or two hours. Morning sessions usually start at 9:30 or 10:00, and afternoon sessions at 1:00 or 1:30. We strive to schedule time and day to suit each teacher’s preferences.
Teaching Formats: Some of our classes are mostly lecture, while others are mainly discussion. We now offer several formats for teaching classes: in-person, Zoom, and hybrid, which uses our Owl Pro camera (a device that merges zoom participants with those in the class). When we teach face to face, classes may be held in Camden, Rockland, Thomaston and Bremen, but most will take place in Damariscotta and Newcastle.
Fall-Winter-Spring Schedules: Fall classes usually begin the second week in September; winter classes, the third week in January; spring classes, the first week in April. The deadlines for submitting proposals are as follows: for fall courses, June 9; for winter courses, October 14; for spring courses, January 6. Instructors are assigned a liaison on the Curriculum Committee, who will be your resource person to answer questions and guide you through the process. If you are interested in teaching, please complete a proposal form (see the links below) and forward it to John Ward at For additional useful information for prospective instructors, please see the column just to the right of this one.
The Pleasures of Volunteering to Be a Coastal Senior College Instructor: Leading a group should be very rewarding for you — an opportunity to delve into a subject for which you have enthusiasm, passion, and interest. It is not necessary to be or to become a definitive expert in your subject. Rather, we seek individuals who have the skills and discipline to lead a group of active participants, who — like you — are eager to probe, learn, and discuss.
To look at, print, or download a proposal form for further review, click on the link below:
2025 Spring Course Proposal Word
2025 Spring Course Proposal pdf